Author Archives: melrubioxo

Day 7- Cardio Power & Resistance and MEMORIAL DAY!

hey there! 

I’m at work right now, that ol’ 5AM shift haha, i’m about to have a cup of granola with a cup 2%milk  and a pear! So I haven’t written in a couple of days, sorry. But I’ve been keeping the diet together, exercise not so much haha. Today though is Cardio Power & Resistance, I like this one, it’s strength training. Well, that’s it for now… I’ll post after my work out 😀 

Day 4: Why do I feel terrible!?



I feel shitty, and tired.. i want to sleep. Ugh- Today is supposed to be Cardio Recovery and I have NO desire to do it… what is wrong with me!? I just want to sleeeeeeep. I went out last night and had a couple of shots and a beer -__-. I told myself I wasn’t going to drink but look what I did. The lack of discipline is terrible… 

I’m going to take a nap and then aim to work out before the day is over! I’m supposed to see the midnight showing of Fast Six, but if I don’t work out… i’m not going. That’s the deal I’m going to make myself today…

Today, the motivation is gone.. HELP


Aw man, so I got home later than usual and was exhausted. Didn’t even work out! I started to do it and then was like, nope… I don’t even care. Done. Going to sleep. Did that, then came to babysit. Now mind you I had A LOT pasta before I came and a 100 calorie ice cream bar [i thought that was my last meal of the day] -__- got to the and the mom made me food ! I couldn’t say no… Ate that, was so so good and OMG… Here is the worst part.. CAKE. THERE WAS CAKE AND I ATE IT. i shouldn’t have had the cake.

Totally wasn’t thinking about it until after I ate it. Ugh -___- failed day 3.

this sucks

Day 3 ! Early Rise & Grind

44c7b99f-a3da-41dd-8721-5bd3dbc9e286wallpaperHelllooo everyone, today was an EARLY day. I’m currently at work just waiting for the next transport. I was up around 4:30AM, got to work 5:15AM and now it’s 8:20AM lol… BORING, but hey… we gotta do, what we gotta doooo!

photo-3Well, after our first transport I ordered an Ice Coffee with Cream & Sugar (yikes!). I was too afraid to go black because I wasn’t sure if i’d like it or not. I like hot black coffee though. Eh whatever, I can’t wait for breakfast though, i’m starving! I’m thinking egg whites with tomato, lettuce and mozzarella on multigrain toast. ahhh excited!

So today is, I believe Cardio & Resistance training for INSANITY. I’m going straight to doing that afterwork. Woop woop! Then I’m feeling sushi later with my sister and her boyfriend. Ah man, can NEVER go wrong with sushi… and then dinner is just gonna be a protein shake.

proteinThis is what I have, it’s actually pretty tasty. If I use it as a meal replacement like I will today, than I add 8oz of low fat milk and 1 scoop of protein powder, if it’s a snack/post-workout drink then I just use water with 2 scoops of protein powder. And my favorite bottle ever! The Blender Bottle! Best investment ever! :]

Well, I really have nothing else to talk about… Today is just an early day. Oh, but I do have a healthy recipe to share! I think I’m going to make a batch tonight to eat tomorrow and friday for lunch :] Try it out!
Quinoa Turkey With Feta and Sundried Tomatoes
Cook quinoa as per packet instructions. Make turkey burgers with turkey minced, diced onions and garlic, freshly chopped parsley and coriander, cumin, salt and pepper. Drizzle the olive oil from marinated feta and olive jars over the quinoa and break up the turkey burgers, combining them with the quinoa. Add lemon juice and combine sundried tomatoes and olives.

*I got this off instagram, i follow healthy eats or something like that. It sounds good, but we’ll see.

Have a great day everyone! and if you got awesome recipes, PLEASE PLEASE SHARE


Day 2! Plyometric cardio & yummy Chipotle dindin

ImageSo to the left would be pre-work out and to the right would be post-workout lol… Man, I was DRIPPING IN SWEAT.

So last night I had the overnight Ambulance shift and had NO SLEEEEP 😦 It was terrible. I got home around 730am and passed out. I officially got off my bed at 4pm. I wasted my whole day!! AHHH, but it’s alright… Got up, got my work out clothes on and did INSANITY!

I burned 460 calories ! I thought it would be more with how hard I worked but oh well.

After that I was hungry so I ran to Chipotle, was really craving it.  I got the bowl, brown rice, black beans, tomatoes, lettuce and some cheese.. or and (don’t judge) sour cream.. haha, its so good!!! lol and then I had sparkling blackberry juice.

Photo on 5-21-13 at 6.04 PMI couldn’t even finish that massive bowl, but it was so good and the drink was too. Now if i was following my 8 hour feast schedule like normal, I wouldn’t have gotten all that… would be like a small taco but since it’s already past 6pm and i’m not supposed to be eating anymore, I went a little more than usual on my meal. I’m satisfied =] and it worth totally worth it, haha.

Well, that was pretty much my boring, boring day. Sleep, work out, eat and now i’m just gonna chill and watch TV in my room. I have to up at 4:15 AM tomorrow for work 😦 ugh… So early bedtime for me! Hope you all had a great day ;]

day 1 ! INSANITY FIT TEST & zummbaa


So I know I have already started a day 1… well, we’re DOING IT AGAIN! lol, Since my last post, i said I had started the INSANITY workout, and was definitely seeing results until my week EXPLODED and i was thrown off completely.

I decided to start insanity all over again. I also decided to create a schedule for my life. I’ve learned that if I just create a daily routine for myself, I’ll get the MAX results and my body will be used to it and eventually crave it!

So last night, I was asleep by 11pm and woke up today 7am. (i got those 8 hours ;] ) but then i fell asleep again, until 8. My alarm went off, i got up, dressed into work out gear and downstairs. Did my measurements and weight and pressed play for the INSANITY fit test. THE RESULTS:

photoNot too bad, The results were better on my 2nd fit test the first round, but hey… this is what happens after 1 week of doing nothing but mope. SO.. you have my reps… AND my measurements. I’m an open book folks. Every 2 weeks I take this test and we will both see the amazing results!

Next thing: I bought a heart rate monitor 😀 It’s called, DUO 1010 from sports line (dual-use heart rate monitor) It’s decent and pretty accurate [sometimes]. After the fit test and 20 minutes of zumba i burned = 365 calories. I think I burned a bit more because sometimes it stops monitoring the HR due to whatever and so.. stops calculating. BUT I LOVE IT! Totally worth getting one. It motivates you to work harder and burn more!

So, as I mentioned earlier, I’ve created a schedule, and I’m going to share it with you! Here is it:


0000 Sleep
0100 Sleep
0200 Sleep
0300 Sleep
0400 Sleep
0500 Sleep
0600 Sleep
0700 Wake up (8 hours of sleep)
0800 Workout
1000 1 cup plain Greek yogurt, ¼ cup granola oats, 1 cup strawberries, halved
1200 1 cup of Fruit
1400 Protein, Vegetables, Salad
1600 1 cup of Fruit
1800 Protein, Vegetables, Salad
2200 Get ready for bed
2300 Sleep

So.. to explain. it’s written in military time.. cause i’m just used to it. So this is ideal, but already i have to change it for mon, wed and friday because of work but overall, this is my ideal day. My goal is to have 8 hours of sleep every night [we’ll see how well that goes, lol] . The times bolded is my eating window. Ever heard of intermittent fasting? My ex boyfriend swears by it, and i’m like uhhh fasting!? no way. BUT I tried it and it works! What it is you fast 16hours and feast 8 hours, so from 10am to 7pm i’m eating every 2 hours, but after 7pm until 10am I am fasting. I even noted what kind of food to eat at what time.

I hung this schedule in my room and I truly feel like it’s fool proof. i’ll keep you all posted daily on my daily activity! I’m excited.

Well, it’s 10AM! time for breakfast:
1 cup plain fat-free greek yogurt (i’m eating oikios)
1/4 cup of gluten free granola
1 cup of grapes
Photo on 5-20-13 at 9.59 AMHAHA, i look ridiculous. I have tons of chores to do today so i’m off to do that after I eat my yogurt. WHICH BTW IS A GREAT POST WORKOUT MEAL. I’ll be eating again in two hours lol, something light.. probably a mango or something. Tonight I have ambulance which ALREADY messes up my sleeping schedule lol, but like I said, I have a plan and that’s so much better than winging it.

I hope today’s blog motivates you to create a plan and get healthy!


It’s been since March 1st, that I’ve written a post… I’m SORRY!.. I will say I fell off the wagon.. AGAIN. But it wasn’t all a fail.. I was keeping active and eating healthy. I started INSANITY and then after a month fell off because life happened and emotionally I was destroyed. Last week was the WORST week of my life.. Monday, I didn’t pass my last nursing exam which meant I couldn’t move forward in the program. I have to wait til NEXT SPRING. Which I cried my eyes out when I found out, Tuesday was a family problem that left me crying a lot also, Wednesday, my boyfriend who I fell in love with, so damn hard for… turned out to still be in love with his ex-girlfriend and so left me… do I even need to tell you how I felt? Then Friday I was let go from my job because they didn’t need me anymore due to lack of clientele… SOOOOOOOOOO that was just terrible. i skipped Insanity for the week, didn’t sleep, didn’t eat….been an emotional wreck but TODAY I woke up fantastical :] I have an interview this week for a full time job ;], I’m getting back to my goal as a fitness model, I feel fantastic. So here is to new goals, FITNESS, HEALTHY, HAPPY & KILLER CONFIDENCE. I hope my followers are still out there and you continue to support me. I’m back ;]

progressss ;]

progressss ;]

how amazing is this meal!?



It’s like a cup a half of string beans and broccoli, and of course sautéed in olive oil and salt! (no joke, I do that with ALL my veggies now) 1/2 cup of black beans and six pieces of shrimp! SOO GOOOD

i also had a lot of bruchetta (i think i spelled it right) and some chocolate.. lol.. but that’s pretty much all i ate today… and 3 beers i think.. or 2… not sure.

But I overall, pretty good day.. i wasn’t really hungry today so my only meal was that. No joke, SO SO delicious!

Day 86

Ummm delicious !!!


1 cup of strong beans chopped, sautéed in 1tsp of olive oil, salt. After its cooked sprinkle 1 tsp of parmesan cheese on top !! Yummy yummy !


Annd 1/2 a grapefruit 🙂

I’m not starving so this is a light lunch for me 🙂

Then some zumba !!!